Com os cumprimentos do Cotonete, a rádio a trompa levou uma volta, ao todo são cerca de 420 temas de 150 artistas; ei-los:
3Angle, Abstrakt Cirkle, Ace, Alla Polacca, Anabela Duarte/GNR, André Indiana, Atomic Bees, Austin, Azembla's Quartet, Balla, Ban, Belle Chase Hotel, Big Fat Mamma, Bildmeister, Bizarra Locomotiva, Blackout, Blasted Mechanism, Blind Zero, Blister, Blunder, Boiar, Bomberjack /Melo D, Bonus /DJ Kronic /Valetem, Brigadeiro Mata-Fraukuxz /Fidbek, Buena, Bullet, Bunnyranch, Bye Bye Lolita Girl, Bypass, Camaleão Azul, Capitães, Carla M/D-Mars/Melo D, Cello, Censurados, Checkpoint Charlie, Clã, Clã/Sérgio Godinho, Clay, Coldfinger, Cool Hipnoise, Corvos, d3ö, Da Weasel, Da Weasel/Gabriel O Pensador/Sérgio Godinho, Dayoff, Dazzling Dizzy, Dead Sea Israel, Diva, Dj Bezegol/Fidbek, Easyway, Electrical Sunset, Ena Pá 2000, Essa Entente, Expensive Soul, Eye, EZ Special, Fingertips, Flak, Flood, Fonzie, Funky Messengers, Fuse, Ghost in the Machine, GNR, Gomo, Grace, Hipnótica, Houdini Blues, In Her Space, Jaguar, Jamaniacs, Jorge Palma, Kafka, Leeand Me, Legendary Tiger Man, LF Cool, Linha Geral, Loopless, Loto, Lulu Blind, Mão Morta, Melo D, Mesa, Mler Ife Dada, Mofo, Mola Dudle, Montecara, Moo_vees, Moonspell, More República Masónica, Mourah, Moving Coil, Mundo Complexo, Norton, Old Jerusalem, Ornatos Violeta, Peste & Sida, Plastica, Plaza, Ploft, Polaroid, Pop Dell' Arte, Primitive Reason, Rádio Macau, Raindogs, Ramp, Renderfly, Repórter Estrábico, Rollana Beat, Sally Lune, Sam the Kid, Sandro G, Saturnia, Sax Shop, SCI FI Industries, Sequóia, Sétima Legião, Simpletone, Slamo, Sons de Cá, Spelling Nadja, Squeeze Theeze Pleeze, Stealing Orchestra, Stowaways, sUBMARINe, SuperEgo, Tantra, Tara Perdida, Teresa Gabriel, The Astonishing Urbana Fall, The Gift, The Neon Road, The Ultimate Architects, The Unplayable Sofa Guitar, Tina & The Top Ten, Toranja, Três Tristes Tigres, Turbo Junkie, TwoKindermen, Um Zero Amarelo, Valete, Wray Gunn, Xana, Xutos & Pontapés, X-Wife, Yellow W Van, Zedisaneonlight, Zen, Zoë e Zorg.
Ufa! bela colheita!
Ufa! bela colheita!